Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rules For the First Date

I think it is important to have a few rules for the first date. Here are some rules I have made based on experience.

Rule #1
Always meet in a public place.
Do not ever let this guy know where you live right off the bat. This is just common sense. Also, do not tell him where you work! This can be bad news. You need to make sure he isn’t a psycho stalker before any of this information is exchanged. There are some supplies you should have before you go on this date.
Ø  Pepper spray
Ø  A cell phone
Ø  Make up
Ø  At least $50 in cash (if he is a douche and asks to go dutch)
Ø  A small air horn
An air horn? Yes, this is a very important tool. Not only will it make a loud disturbing noise if you are put into an uncomfortable situation and you need to startle someone, but it is a great way to announce to him that he has broken the 3 strike rule.

The 3 strike rule.
He should be given 3 strikes on the first date. You are free to decide what these strikes are for. If he says when he sees you for the first time, “you look a little older in person,” that would be strike one. Perhaps he stares at the waitress’s chest or ass while you are ordering your food, strike 2. Maybe he informs you during dinner that he is a little behind on child support shortly after he tells you about his awesome new 60” plasma screen TV. That would be strike 3. At this point you should reach for your purse, pull out your small air horn and let a quick horn blow out. Then get up from the table and walk out to your car. Delete his phone number as soon as you are safely in your car. Do not communicate with him again. If he had 3 strikes before the first date is over, you are going to be overlooking his issues until you can’t stand it any longer.

Know how to flirt.
Most of us know how to flirt but there are a few moves that every man finds absolutely irresistible. The hair flip is the most eye catching. Gently toss your hair back with your hand; upon returning your hand to your lap you should brush it across your neck while tilting your head up. Never break eye contact with him while doing this. Men love eye contact. Lean in when he talks and push your chest out, we all know they love the chest. Laugh when he tells a joke, even if it is cheesy. Smile a lot. Men already think they are fantastic but they love it when they think we feel the same way. You need to be the Sunday school teacher and the stripper all in one. 

Do not talk about the next date.
If he wants to see you again, he will bring it up. If he didn’t bring it up by the end of the date, I wouldn’t go home and scribble Mrs. Joe Schmo on your notepad. He probably isn’t going to call. That’s okay, because you have a ton of other guys in line. Do not contact him in any way.

Always thank him for the date and tell him you had a great time.
This is important because of that ego thing. You need to appear grateful for his time. Even if you didn’t have the best time ever, it is still polite to say thank you. If you don’t want to go out with him again, just be honest and tell him that when and if he asks you.